Friday 23 September 2011

May Soong & Miki Ng

Shooting Date: 21/09/2011                                                                                                      Time: 16:15 to 18:15
Location: Tanjung Sepat, Selangor                                                                                 Weather: Cloudy
Photographer: Astley Teng                                                                                                    Model: May Soong
Camera gear: Nikon D300s, 24-70mm f/2.8G ED lens & reflector            ISO: 400
Exposure: 1/320 sec                                                                                                                    Bias: -0.3 step
Zoom: 45mm                                                                                                                                    F stop: 2.8
Flash: Nil 

          Take off from Office to Tanjung Sepat on 13:20. A long journey drive with May Soong, Miki Ng, Michael Leow & me. The day is not look good for our shooting. Cause today was a rainning day when going to Tanjung Sepat and it's bring our mood down for our portrait shooting. The rain was stop when we arrived to the location (Thank god). I'm try to drive around to search a better place for shooting. Luckily we found out this location is nearby Tanjung Sepat around 5km down to Morib direction. This place is great for us and easy to walk into the beach. Arround quater hour, I started my shot and is look great when the sun light shine on our skin surface. At the end, we finished the shooting arround 18:10 due to the weather.
          Let's talk about this picture composition. Normally people will take a horizontal level shoot for her. Because she look great and specially on her sweet smiling face. Don't need to put in too many technical. But I still make a little changer for it. First, turn down 20 degree to the left. Second, make the background blur due to the messy background. Third, let her face to the camera with 9/10 angle to left side and call her imagine to smiling someone who's loved. Finally, push a nice setting with a nice lighting reflection and shot. Came back push some PS on the level, colour control and simply make two black borders to make the picture more look like a cinema screen feel.
          Thank to the models and my assistance. We just took a short briefing and they're really knew what I want. And here, I would like to special thank to Miki Ng to give me a nice make up work.

Photographer: Astley Teng                                                                                                    Model: Miki Ng
Camera gear: Nikon D300s, 24-70mm f/2.8G ED lens & reflector            ISO: 400
Exposure: 1/320 sec                                                                                                                    Bias: -0.3 step
Zoom: 70mm                                                                                                                                    F stop: 2.8
Flash: Nil 
          Miki Ng is a good model and don't forget she also a make up artist. This picture not much too share and I surely like her disposition. The photo composition is 1/3. Due to the model standing behide the sun light, I given the exposure over 1 stop with the reflector and easy to bring out the model feature.

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